All currently prescribed medications and prescriptions.
2 weeks clothing. Laundry facilities and detergent are available for resident use.
Personal hygiene items – toothpaste, deodorant, hair products.
Health insurance card, driver’s license or other I.D., if you do not have access to these items, Cache Creek Lodge will help you get them.
A pillow and/or blanket, these may be provided by Cache Creek Lodge if you do not bring any with you.
Cash, which will be stored in a safety deposit box with staff for record keeping. You may check the money out whenever you like.
A phone (access will be restricted during a 5 day blackout period at the beginning of your stay).
Cigarettes or other tobacco products. Staff may purchase tobacco products on your behalf if you run out.
Soups, candy, coffee, or any other snacks that you may want (Note: Cache Creek Lodge provides 3 full meals and 1 snack every day)
items not to bring
Any clothing that depicts or advertises alcohol, drugs, sex, violence or gambling or any other clothing deemed inappropriate for recovery apparel by staff.
Aerosol products or products containing alcohol, such as hairspray, hand sanitizer, mouthwash, perfume, cologne, aftershave or herbal tinctures.
Unsealed or unmarked bottles or bags/envelopes of medications, herbs or supplements except for prescription medications in original bottles. Some herbs or supplements specific to recovery are provided.
Any expired medications or medications that you no longer have a prescription for
Tools, straight razors, knives or weapons of any kind.
In order to keep clients focused on recovery, family photos are also not allowed